This morning around 11am, the tractor arrived, and I quite happily drove it the 1km from the loading ramp down the road to our place. We hooked up the mower, and it seemed to fit, and had a bit of a play. Then we trundled off to town to vote and get tea. Upon coming back I started turning the compost with it, and unfortunatly I ran out of gas, and then flattened the battery trying to get it started again. Well I now have gas, and the battery is on charge so hopefully tomorrow, we'll being going again.
It seems to be the day for hardware to stop working, the bike didn't want to start this morning either, sigh....
Anyway, all the timber is now stacked on the other side of the shed, and Steph even went for a ride in the paddocks today on Markissa (first time out of the areana).
Till tomorrow.
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