Friday, September 30, 2005

Another splendid day

Half past ten, and I've already clocked up several hours of work this morning, started nice and early at 6am - after a whole hours lie in..pure bliss. I must admit there is something very nice about programming whilst sitting in bed, with a nice coffee, the curtains wide open looking out on to a sunny, green garden where the trees are just coming into leaf etc, really adds a certain "thing" to working! The only downside to programming in bed is the kittens, whilst occasionally the code looks like a cat walked over the keyboard, when a cat does do that, it normally doesn't compile (as I found out this morning, pesky Jag, also he kept batting the touch pad and of course making the mouse cursor move and click..)

This morning whilst doing some automated testing, I strolled down the paddock to check on the sheep etc, all are doing well. The new grass growth is all over the three paddocks, a little bit lighter in the paddocks where the alpacas were for the last three weeks, oh well lesson learnt!

Whilst down there I also quickly tried the tail stock jacobs chuck thing Ken made me, after a minor modification to open the end of the thread, it worked a treat.

Oh well, back to working I guess as the compile has now finished.

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