Sunday, November 07, 2010

Connors Hunting Competition

Connor attended the Fernridge School "Take a kid hunting" competition with the 3 hares and 1 rabbit that he and Matthew collected last night and this morning, 11.8kg all up.
On the way out for his evening hunt with Daddy on Saturday night

playing at the Fernridge school while waiting for results
 A photo of the entrants and some of their entries
 the lolly scramble mayhem
 the rural style of lolly dissemination in a lolly scramble
 Connor receiving his prize for Most hares collected by a Preschooler - a Hunting and Fishing kids Pack containing a backpack plus camo beanie,  trousers, long sleeve shirt and short sleeve shirt.

Ronan's Walker

This was bought by Jenny and Ken for Ronan's christmas present, however, he's already furniture cruising and is starting to try and walk across furniture gaps.

Steph's facepainting

Photos from last night and this morning

And he won $100 worth of hunting clothes and a backpack, for the most hares...way to go Connor!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Hunting with Connor

Just got back from a mammoth 3.5 hour hunt with Connor this evening, hunting hares on dusk, and spot lighting. Weather was appalling..but he made me proud. He was amazingly well behaved, very sensible and very safe, every time the spot light came on, he instantly (with out being told), moved out of the way of the rifle, and was always aware where I was and what I was doing (as was I of him of course).  One very tired little boy though when we got home at 10:30pm (after a 4km quad bike ride in the blustery southerly and rain!).
We managed 3 hares, doubt it's enough to win the competition, but that's not a problem!

Friday, November 05, 2010

One of my current fav photos

Steph and I were reviewing the year's photos the other night, and came across this.  There is something about it that caught both our eyes (as opposed to looking at the image one-eyed :-) )