Yesterday afternoon I shortened the drive shaft of the mower using a hacksaw, and this morning I mowed the strip down the side of the property. It was quite a learning experiance. Things to know:
1. The mower is a mower, not a plough - several times I hit large mounds of dirt (which I couldn't see), and the mower, whilst trying valiantly to flatten them out, didn't quite always succeed.
2. Whilst mowing watch where the FEL is - I had the FEL quite high so as to not obscure vision, this was fine until I hit a big branch in a tree with it and snap it off!
3. The mower needs to be in contact with the ground to work - because the grass/weeds in places where about 70cm tall I was adjusting the height as I was going along, every now and then the mower came too high and there are patches of unmowed weeds!
4. The blades need to be spinning fast to cut grass - Trying to do it carefully and slowly, it took a while to realise that the speed of the PTO was proportional to the engine speed - duh.
5. Conservation of momentum, Big heavy blades attached to drive shaft act like a flywheel. When the blades where spinning free (such as when raising the deck), they kept spinning for a while after disengaging the PTO, when the clutch was released after, the tractor lurched forward.
I'll take a photo when we get back from town - got to get Amy's birthday present.
Till later.
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