Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A busy weekend

Well, this week, the weekend started with me having Friday off. On this day of rest, and relaxation, Steph and I headed into Wellington for the day, mainly because I had a Christmas party in the evening at a wildlife sanctuary which sounded like it could be a good event, and also so Steph could have a meeting with her boss to discuss options for her going back to work. She's only thinking about heading back for 1 day a week, and not until February anyway, so quite a bit of time to work out what to do with Connor for that 1 day.

Whilst we were in Welly, we met up with Amy, and spent the day with her too, and then in the evening we went to the party, and had a bite to eat, before heading off around 8pm.

On Saturday and Sunday we headed up to Palmerston North and met up with Mum and Dad. And on Sunday we took the pigs in, and collected the new piglets. Gee's that was fun, I spent about an hour chasing one of the boars around and around in the midday sun! We almost gave up but then it came back to the pen (it escaped), and we finally caught it!

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