Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lambs, albeit early

Over the weekend, we had a pretty rough time with the weather, some really nasty winds came through and we lost 1 tree and a couple of good size branches. Other than that, the weekend wasn't too bad. Initially the plan was for a spot of fishing but with the really bad winds, and rain, that was all called off. On Saturday morning during the fine spot, Steph played with the horse whilst I looked after Connor, and then after that once it started raining and blowing, I went out and continued to chop up the tree we felled a few weeks back. It's finally all done, just the debris to burn now. After that the afternoon was spent cleaning the workshop, it had become a bit of a mess!
Saturday evening the winds came in, and Sunday morning we had planned to take some lambs to get slaughter, so I spent a while out in the rain checking the property, found the trees etc, and my manger that had been picked up and thrown about 4m, and is now broken. After ensuring everything was basically OK, I started getting the yards ready, not wanting to fart around trying to lift the sheep into the trailer, I backed it up to the race, and quite cobbled together a loading ramp (which worked quite nicely).

Once the yards etc were all ready, we brought all the ewe lambs in to select the "lucky" one, and then I headed off to the abattoir. Murpheys law, that afternoon the weather cleared up, and it was fantastic, but whilst working outside in the morning, it was raining, cold and windy!

Later that afternoon Alex came over to have a go on the lathe, which he quite enjoyed.

On to the subject of the email, several months ago (namely 5), Julia told us that the ram lamb was "showing interest" in the ewes,so we wisked him out before he could get to them, whoops, too late. This morning Steph discovered a new lamb, and then this evening there was another set of twins born. Once I got home, I headed down to check on them, and noticed that they weren't feeding, so we caught them via lamb light, and gave the mother a quick cleanup underneath with the shears (she had matted wool that was stopping the lambs). After that the lambs (1 ram, 1 ewe) got in there.
We're quite glad she finally got a ewe lamb, as that is her replacement this year.

Anyway, photos tomorrow, as lambing is always a great photo time.

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