His weight, he has gained 240 grams in the last week (for all those non metric people, that's 8.5 ounces).He's doing really well, last night he almost slept the entire night, we put him down at 9pm once he got back from the pub and had a "snack", and at 3:45am, we woke him up purely for Steph's comfort (other Mum's will understand!) . Yeah it's sad that we think that around 4am is the morning, but it's only 1 hour off my normal wakeup time, so not too bad really (fingers crossed for this evening).
Other things that happened this weekend was Steph's birthday (unfortunatly, due to the circumstances, not a great deal was done, but I've got plans for next year!), and we also had all the grandparents down, along with Aunty Amy, Uncle Nigel, and Uncle Tristan (or Amy,Nigel and Tristan to the rest of us).
Note:Next paragraph not suitable for older sisters (ie you Carisa!).
Whilst out in the garage looking for Possum this afternoon, saw one Rattus Norvegicus, the good old Norweigan Brown Rat. Consequently three traps have been set using the tried and tested bait of peanut butter, I'll get the little(actually not quite so little) bugger!
That aside, here's some snaps from the weekend.
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