Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A not quite so farmy weekend.

Another weekend, and unfortunatly another dead sheep. Two of the lambs have now died,
probably due to clostridal disease. We're now going to move the lambs on very promptly
so I'm going to organise that for this weekend hopefully. We'll move on the 10 largest
and then try to fatten the other 8 up a bit more for an extra week or two.
Anyway, the weekend was pretty busy, on Saturday we had a Mid Winter Christmas Party with
Steph's work, it was fancy dress, and the theme was farming. Really easy for us, I threw on
my gum boots,my wax jacket, and my leather hat, and I was set. Steph went as a hunter, all in camo
gear, with a hunting horn I made out of one of Winston's horns, and a big pink unicorn strapped to her back!
That basically took all Saturday, and Sunday was spent doing shopping etc, then we had a visit from one of Steph's
friends through work. Admittedly we didn't get a great deal done, such as measuring out for our tree planting or
installing the shields between the hutches in the rabbit house, but we'll just do that next weekend.
Just before we were going to head out to the pub for dinner, Steph called me on the radio and told me about the
dead ewe, so I quickly dug a hole and threw her in....I'm getting reasonably speedy at digging big holes.

I did manage to take a few photos this weekend, so here they are (none of the dead sheep of course!)

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