Sunday, July 29, 2007

Flames and stuff

Unfortunately due to being very busy all day, I haven't had chance to take anymore photos, but today I managed to get all the branches from the 2 macrocarpas and the plum trees we felled a few weeks ago burnt, I started around 10am, and the fire was constantly fed with branches till around 3pm, and now it's raining!

Yesterday not much happened, we grazed the sheep, goats and alpacas on the driveway, introduced Monkey (oh, Monkey is back with us) to the buck, who quickly showed her some "special" attention!
Other than that, I can't remember what we did in the afternoon, couldn't have been that great!

Bit of a short post, but when not much is happening, there's not really anything to write about.

Hopefully next weekend will be a bit more interesting.

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