Well, it was a semi productive weekend, on Friday afternoon I picked up several sheets of custom wood for finishing the tank stand, and then did some work on the iQuarium project, it's coming along quite nicely. On Saturday morning we went into town and picked up a new roller and a paint tray and upon our return, painted the wall in the dining room, it looks really nice, basically that was Saturday! Sunday wasn't too different, a coat of paint in the morning, and building the sides of the tank stand around lunch time, and in the afternoon I made some more Quince Jelly, unfortunatly this one didn't set quite as well as previous attempts. The afternoon was also spent on the iQuarium, I've now got the new LCD display working, so back to writing the software (after I add a 8 bit shift register to avoid using so many IO pins when talking to the LCD display).
Anyway, this evening I think we're trimming the goat's feet, and then I'll be working again on the tank stand.
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