Well, now things are a little bit less hectic, I can write a bit more about the last few days, and what happened.
On Wednesday, sometime during the day, a crack, about 1m long, formed diagaonally across the bottom pane in the tank, front to back. This obviously made the tank's water keeping ability radically reduce, to the point it didn't.
The was followed by the dumping of approxiamately 882L of water onto the dining room carpet. As the water flowed down through the dining room, it followed along the west wall of the house, where the camera was on the floor in it's bag, along with the sub-woofer, computer and entertainment unit. All of the above got wet. The camera is fine, the sub is still in being checked (but probably fine), and the computer was bone dry, but the entertainment unit did get a bit damp around the bottom.
In addition to the stuff on the carpet, the carpet also got very wet.
On Wednesday evening, Steph and I had a quick fish rescue operation, managed to save a few, and then started on the big clean up. Then around 8:30pm our neighbours came around and chipped in helping us move the gravel, stones and finally the tank. Whilst we were moving the tank onto the dolly, we managed to put a real big hole in the bottom, oh well!
The next day ChemDry came around and started the drying process. They installed 4 air movers and 2 dehumidifiers (as you can see in the photo). That night we were put up in a motel because the noise of all the kit was too much.
On Friday, we had the assesor out and he ordered the gib to the first dwang to be removed, and he want's the carpet relaided (dispite another assesor told us it would be replaced).
All in all, whilst tragic, and the worst flood we've had, on the grandscale of things, not too bad, at least the house is now habitable.
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