No blogging for a while, the projector is still isn't back, anyway onto today. This morning we noticed that one of the baby bunnies had escaped, it had chewed through the cable tie holding the door shut, and jumped out. We were luckly only one was missing. Steph and I had a look around the normal places but couldn't find it..We secured the rest and then headed into town, we needed a new headlight for the civic, the shopping, and I wanted to pick up a rifle rack (I'm in the process of getting my firearms licence). Once we got home, I harrowed the paddock Markissa has been in recently, and then carried on applying some finish to some timber for the "project", then I realised I had a bit more shaping to do before, oh well.
During the afternoon, Steph worked Markissa, and I pickled some beetroot from the vege bed. Then whilst on the phone to Mum and Dad, I heard something squeal and Jag chase something. It was the missing white bunny. Steph finally caught it after the dogs gave chase, and a few of the cats.
Oh and last week, Hollywood (the other adult female rabbit) was mated to Rubin, so at the end of the month (on Amy's B'Day), she should drop another litter.
Tomorrow, I'll hopefully carry one with DevilSpawn's fleece, it's coming up really well, lime the paddock I harrowed today and wean the baby rabbits and move then onto finishing food (ready for the pot in a month's time).
Anyway, it's past bed time.
So till tomorrow..I might get to upload some photos.
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