Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's been a while

OK, so a couple of weeks have passed since the last blog, and what's new... As I have previously mentioned, the lounge is now all finished (except for the scotia and alcatraves), and it looks really good. With that out of the way, we made a few sheep into sausages (I culled and dressed them myself). Oh and we had the 20 week scan with the baby (that was around the 14th I think). The weekend following that, Carisa,Andy,Alex,Mum,Dad,Amy and Nigel all came around for a BBQ and a look at Littlebush. Alex had the fun of "doing the rounds" first thing on Sunday morning feeding the rabbits,pigs and having a quick ride on the bike to check the horse etc.

Then it was back to work for a week. On Wednesday evening I culled SpitRoast the lamb and put him in a fridge to hang until Monday. On Friday evening I reassembled the tractor, and got it running quite nicely (turned out all that was wrong was the HT lead to the coil was loose), oh well.

We've been to three weddings, Amy's, Amy's (Stephs friend), and Steph's cousin Gareth.

I'll try and keep up to date again now things are getting back to normal.

Only 17 weeks to sprog sprouting.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Some News

it's been a bit hectic for the last week, what with getting the lounge painted, carpetted and having another scan yesterday. Later on I will post photos of the lounge now it's finished, it looks amazing.

The baby is fine, all healthly.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another 2 lambs "done"

Lamb number one took about an hour and a half, the second was done in an hour.
Here are some photos of the day's fun.


Well, yesterday evening I was about to go down to the workshop to do some cleaning up, when I saw a hare in john's paddock. Needless to say, John is now one young hare down.. It skinned really easy, and it's frame is more like a rabbit, the meat is quite a different color to that of old hare, should be quite nice. This evening Steph is cooking tandoori hare. We're going to use one of the older ones for that. Also last night I collected another 4 prime lambs. I'm slaughtering two today, and then I'll get them butchered.

Pictures etc later.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

The start of the week off.

Yikes, that was only the weekend...It started off with a trip to the doctors on Saturday morning as I had an infected finger. Last week whilst filleting fish, I slipped and sliced the skin off the knuckle, but then on Monday it swelled right up, and by Saturday, it had receeded, and was getting worse, so now I'm on a week long course of two antibotics. Before that though we went to the inaugral Wairarapa Farmers Market. Found a nice cider and bought 4 bottles, bloody annoying that I couldn't drink it though. After doing a few things in town, we came home, and then headed over to Julia's to merge her sheep and ours into 1 mob, and then move them to the front paddock. The whole operation went like clockwork.

Later that afternoon, I had decided that it was time for the all the buck rabbits to be culled. I had practised sexing bunnies a few days before, and Steph and I went out and one by one, sexed and culled as nessecary. Out of the eight original kits, there is three legged one (which is a girl, but also the runt, so we don't want to breed from her), the first one we had (which was a girl), 4 bucks (now in the freezer), and 2 more does; I left the does so Alex could see our bunnies, hopefully this Friday we'll have another litter born.

Out of the 4 rabbits, we got around 6kg of meat, about 500g was rib cage and flaps, which I boiled for the pigs. I've left one as a whole carcass, and the others were jointed, ready for meals.That evening, Steph and I went around to Julia's and Andy's for dinner for a "table warming", their dining room furniture had just arrived, so we had a nice meal, damn shame I couldn't touch the wine though...

Then we come to today. The plan was that if the weather was fine, we would go fishing. We weren't sure where, but somewhere different. So around 9:30, the weather was fantastic, and the webcam at Castlepoint showed a reasonably calm sea, so I suggested we headed out there. Both Steph and Julia decided to come along for the trip. Once we got to Castlepoint, we headed up onto the rocks behind the lighthouse, and proceed to fish (in the 2m swells off the cliffs). As you can imagine, it wasn't easy, or productive, and I lost two sets of tackle. After a while of that, we decided to head back, and try somewhere else, so we went 4km up the coast, and then found this road that headed further along the coast (whereas the one we would normally take heads inland for Masterton). Having never been down there, I decided to take a tiki-tour, and several kms down the road we found a spot where we could fish, still didn't catch anything though.

After an hour or so the tide was coming in quite fast, so we started on the trip home (stopping in Masterton for icecream). Upon getting home, we pushed our way through the sheep on the driveway (Rex was grazing his cull ewes on the driveway so as to try and get some of the grass down), only to find a dead one (oh and a turkey sitting on eggs).

After cleaning all the gear and feeding the pigs (who haven't eaten all their food), I decided to head up into the hills for a walk (but was lazy and took the bike to get to the starting point).
After an hour or so of walking across a really hilly paddock I came across a hare, and after 4 shots, I had hit her (found out later, I had actually hit her twice, as I had put a hole through her ears!). Once I had collected the hare, I decided to sit and just relax for a while before heading back to the bike (and home).

I eventually wandered home, skinned, gutted and jointed the hare, gave the boys the head and feet (which they really enjoy).

And now it's bed time...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Another hunting trip

Last night since we were in the middle of a power cut, I took the rifle for a walk (most people take dogs!) . I started up the hills to try and get a magpie or two, but after a while I stumbled on the hare's again (4), I took 4 shots, and came back with 1 hare (oh well). This time the shot went through the front of the chest and out the opposite side around the back quarters. It yeilded 1.7Kg of meat.

Oh, on the piggy front, they are still around, no more escape attempts.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

First blood

Last night despite the wind, I went out with the rifle for a quick walk. Proved quite fruitful with my first hare being dropped, it was from about 50 yards across a gully. The hare was killed with a through and through head shot using Winchester high velocity ammo.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I had dawned on me recently that there hasn't been much farmy stuff in the blog recently, this is mainly because we haven't really done a great deal around the place. We've been really busy with the redecorating, but finally this weekend we got around to doing something.The weekend started on Thursday with me doing a few hours on Thursday evening because I couldn't sleep, and this reduced the amount I had to do on Friday (as I wanted to get to the sales). I had spent Thursday evening running an electric wire around the bottom of the orchard in preparation for pigs (we're hoping to get two). On Friday morning (around 5:30am) I started working, and because of the previous evening's efforts and the early start, I was finished by around 10am, which was great. Arround 11am we headed into the sales, Julia (our neighbour) came along aswell. There were a few pens of interest, a sow and 7 piglets, and another of 4 porkers, some lambs (but there were too many, the pens were 9 and 10 sheep). We hung around till the end to make an offer on the piglets, but unfortunatly they had all already been sold. But we didn't go home with an empty trailer, Julia picked up a pen of a 4 tooth, 2 tooth and each had a lamb.
After dropping the lambs off at Julia's and doing the drenching and vaccinations for them, we headed into town, we first went to "Hunting and Fishing" to get their new catalouge. Unfortunatly with it being fishing seasion, there was much in the way of specials on rifles. But I got talking to the owner, and after about a half hour, he offered me his Brno 2E, it's a very well made, very accurate czech rifle. It was made in 1989. After shopping etc (at the new Pak'n'Save) we headed back to the shop to pick it up.
When we got home it was too windy really to try it out, but later that evening the wind dropped away completly and Steph and I headed over to John and Trish's. John has quite a lot of experiance with firearms, so I got his opion on it, and he helped to sight it in. At 25 yards he was putting the bullet through the previous one's hole!Just before the light started fading, we tried it at 50 yards, and it was shooting high by about 1", and I had a grouping of around 1" aswell.
Saturday morning, rifle in hand, I went for a stroll to get me some dinner....oh well, I came back empty handed. I saw 1 rabbit and another hare, but the rabbit was too far away (and it was the first one, so I left it alone), and the hare was on the skyline, hence not a safe shot.
I got back around 8am, and Steph was just getting up. We had breakfast then started on making the tree protectors in the mound paddock, they've been rammed in for ages now, but I hadn't got around to putting the timber around the top. Within a few hours, we had all the timber done in the mound paddock.
Later that afternoon, we headed over to Julia's and Andy's for a coffee (tea actually), and Andy,Alex and I had a plink at Alex's targets with the rifle, I scored 6 and 8 (lower=better), Alex got a 6 and a 4 (I think), and Andy hit the bull twice! I've decided I need more practice.
Around 5pm I drove to Lake Ferry to try and catch some dinner. Upon getting to the beach there wasn't a person in sight (a very bad omen), but all was not bad, within a few minutes I was pulling in my first red cod. A while later, a tourist came over and we started chatting, and just as he was leaving, I got a fantastic bite (rod creakingly good), unfortunatly I lost it! That managed to get the tourist's attention again for a short while (whilst I got another good few bites). After he decided that he was going to go and get his rod, I hauled in another 3 red cod (threw 1 back). Finally got home around 8pm, and quickly filleted the fish (and managed to slice the skin of my knuckle,which is now VERY sore and swollen).
Sunday morning, I thought about heading out for another strole but decided I was too tired, and we had offered to help John and Trish move their bulls from their place down the road to a set of yards (ready for the van). At around 8am, Steph and I jumped on the bike and headed up to John's. The plan was to get the 4 bulls out of the paddock, and onto the drive, then he and I would drive them down the road, and as we got close to the other yards and driveways, John would zip ahead, and head them off, and I would then drive, meanwhile Steph and Trish were in the car slowing traffic etc down, and keeping a general eye out for us. After arming ourselves with big sticks, we started pushing the bulls out onto the road, once on the road it was basically easy, espcially when they started trotting and if you could keep them going. Occasionally they would stop and have a munch at a tree or the verge, but a few loud shouts and lots of waving the stick got them moving again. After about 20minutes, they were 900m further north and in cattle yards ready for the truck.
As the weather wasn't great, Steph and I quickly headed out to the paddock and started putting up the netting around the trees, it took us two attempts (we got rained off), but by around lunch time,we had three compounds all finished.
The original idea was to go fishing around 3ish on Sunday, but because of the weather, we didn't. This did mean I could cull on of the rabbits for dinner. I had previously picked out a large grey/agouti rabbit that was to be the first. I culled it, and then skinned and gutted it. After gutting, it yeilded 1.125Kg of meat. The hide is currently being salted in the garage.
Whilst tea was cooking, I had a 45 minute section where nothing needed to be done, and since Steph was in the lounge playing the computer, I went for a stroll with the rifle. Didn't even go far, and then I saw a hare, as I brought the rifle infront of me and went to cock it, I realised something was missing, the magazine, it had fallen out....I had a look around but couldn't see it.
On Monday I ordered a new one, and this evening (tuesday), if the weather is fine, John, Trish, Andy, Alex, Julia,Steph and myself will go out and have another troll through the paddock, hopefully I'll find it,
Anyway, almost at Wellington, so till another time...


Last night we picked up two piggies (and no they are not Pinky and Perky). Just found out from the neighbour that they have escaped and are playing havoc with the horse....

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Uneventful weekend

Not a great deal happened this weekend, the plan was for me to go work on Sunday morning and evening, so Saturday was spent doing things like taking the rubbish to the tip, and just general stuff. Then we drove to Wellington and checked into the hotel, had a meal, and around 10:30pm I was rung up and told not to bother going in. I headed in for an hour on Sunday morning to do a little bit. Then today, after we got back (around lunch time), Steph worked Markissa, and then around 3pm I drove back down to Lake Ferry with the plan of doing some fishing, but unfortunantly the swell was too great and fishing was pointless. Thankfully I had caught a few fish on Friday afternoon, so all was not lost.

Not a lot of farmy stuff recently, the sheep are all fine, and growing really well; the rabbits are coming on nicely, Hollywood never gave birth, so next it's Snow White's turn again, the alpacas and goats are still around and doing OK. We have a few trees to finish fencing off next weekend, and then we can start to think about grazing the new paddocks (the grass is coming on really well), unfortunatly we have some penny royal in the paddocks so we need to either spray that off,or apply a significant amount of lime to combat it.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday again

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Well, this morning Steph and I played around with the conservatory, and roughly assembled it so that we could see how it went together and so I could measure it, because I am currently modeling that and the house in a 3D computer program.
Also after lunch when the GIB arrived we started putting it up, and as you can see, we've done about 1/2 the room.

On the farmy side of things, we've got an extra rabbit now, one of the cats brought in a baby bunny and left it alive in their food bowl! So it's now out with the others.

Then in the evening before tea, I quickly mowed the top paddock (the one with the new grass to try and get it to grow better, and to expose the Penny Royal, which we will need to spray off soon.

Anyway, till tomorrow.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

Better baby photos.

Just had another checkup, and all is fine, these photos though are from the scan the other week.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A short synopsis of the weekend/

Quite a productive weekend, on Friday afternoon I spent several hours ripping the last of the GIB and then putting up the insulation, by the end of the day, I had most of the insulation up, and had used up an entire bag of batts.
Saturday morning saw the heat pump guys turn up (around 7:30ish!) and as they got to work, Steph and I headed into Masterton to do the weekly food shopping, and then down to Carterton to look at carpet.. We decided on a pale blue for the lounge, dining room and two bedrooms, but the nursery is going to be a dark speckled blue as it will hide spills etc a bit better.

By the time we got back the installers were just finishing up, and gave us the demo on the pump. Later in the day Andy, Alex and myself went down to Lake Ferry, but I managed to forget my reel, so I didn’t get to do much fishing…Oh well..
Meanwhile Steph worked Markissa.

In the evening we finally had our bonfire, it’s been building up and building up (lets just say the flames were about 5m tall) and by around 8pm it had all burnt down to a nice pile of ashes. Later that evening we had a good game of scrabble, I even managed a 7 letter word “estuary”, by the end of the game I had 306 points, but I had the “Q” still.

Sunday morning I got up and started mowing the lawns, yikes, I should really do it more often.
Later in the day Steph and I headed back down to Lake Ferry, and this time I managed to bring home two red cod, after releasing two too.

It’s getting brief, ‘cause this is all written on Tuesday evening, and I’m already forgetting the weekend.
Quite a productive weekend, on Friday afternoon I spent several hours ripping the last of the GIB and then putting up the insulation, by the end of the day, I had most of the insulation up, and had used up an entire bag of batts.
Saturday morning saw the heat pump guys turn up (around 7:30ish!) and as they got to work, Steph and I headed into Masterton to do the weekly food shopping, and then down to Carterton to look at carpet.. We decided on a pale blue for the lounge, dining room and two bedrooms, but the nursery is going to be a dark speckled blue as it will hide spills etc a bit better.

By the time we got back the installers were just finishing up, and gave us the demo on the pump. Later in the day Andy, Alex and myself went down to Lake Ferry, but I managed to forget my reel, so I didn’t get to do much fishing…Oh well..
Meanwhile Steph worked Markissa.

In the evening we finally had our bonfire, it’s been building up and building up (lets just say the flames were about 5m tall) and by around 8pm it had all burnt down to a nice pile of ashes. Later that evening we had a good game of scrabble, I even managed a 7 letter word “estuary”, by the end of the game I had 306 points, but I had the “Q” still.

Sunday morning I got up and started mowing the lawns, yikes, I should really do it more often.
Later in the day Steph and I headed back down to Lake Ferry, and this time I managed to bring home two red cod, after releasing two too.

It’s getting brief, ‘cause this is all written on Tuesday evening, and I’m already forgetting the weekend.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Saturday, October 28, 2006

First day surfcasting

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Wood turning...

Yay, the lathe still's a little bowl I turned out...
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The tractor goes again

What I forgot to mention about this weekend, was that Tom the tractor died, totally. Battery fine, just didn't even attempt to turn over. We think it was sulking because it was left outside overnight on Saturday. Anyway, after about an hour in the rain towing the tractor up and down the drive way trying to bump start it with the bike! we gave up and towed it back to the shed. This afternoon, I had a quick look on the net, and within 30 minutes had him going again. I unbolted the starter switch and adjusted it forward a bit so contact is made sooner, and it goes again.

And this morning I noticed there is a Fergy birthday party at the Claireville show this year, I might even take Tom, dispite all the colours being wrong. I'll need to get the exhaust fixed though first.

Wet Wet Wet - update

Well, now things are a little bit less hectic, I can write a bit more about the last few days, and what happened.
On Wednesday, sometime during the day, a crack, about 1m long, formed diagaonally across the bottom pane in the tank, front to back. This obviously made the tank's water keeping ability radically reduce, to the point it didn't.
The was followed by the dumping of approxiamately 882L of water onto the dining room carpet. As the water flowed down through the dining room, it followed along the west wall of the house, where the camera was on the floor in it's bag, along with the sub-woofer, computer and entertainment unit. All of the above got wet. The camera is fine, the sub is still in being checked (but probably fine), and the computer was bone dry, but the entertainment unit did get a bit damp around the bottom.
In addition to the stuff on the carpet, the carpet also got very wet.

On Wednesday evening, Steph and I had a quick fish rescue operation, managed to save a few, and then started on the big clean up. Then around 8:30pm our neighbours came around and chipped in helping us move the gravel, stones and finally the tank. Whilst we were moving the tank onto the dolly, we managed to put a real big hole in the bottom, oh well!

The next day ChemDry came around and started the drying process. They installed 4 air movers and 2 dehumidifiers (as you can see in the photo). That night we were put up in a motel because the noise of all the kit was too much.

On Friday, we had the assesor out and he ordered the gib to the first dwang to be removed, and he want's the carpet relaided (dispite another assesor told us it would be replaced).

All in all, whilst tragic, and the worst flood we've had, on the grandscale of things, not too bad, at least the house is now habitable.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Spit Roast

OK, even with the flood, Steph and I decided that the arranged spit roast should continue, so lunch time on Saturday, Matt and myself fired up the BBQ and threw on some big rump steak, and finished off a bottle of wine, just to get started, and then after lunch and moving everything down to the barn due to inclement weather, we started the preparation of the lamb.

It started off taking her from the bathroom down to the barn.

Here she is on the table ready for the spit to go through.

Just like so....

And here we have one suspended lamb, ready for the belly cavity to be sewn up.

Men doing what men do best, drinking and watching meat cook!

Hmmm, looking yummy

Ug, happy!v

Strider enjoying the spoils (half a rib cage.)