OK, so you've had the pictures, now for the blurb...
It was a pretty full on weekend. It started late Friday with the building of the shed thing, which is primarily to make some space in the barn ready for shearing. Then on Saturday we went out to look (and purchase) a set of scales to weight sheep, goats and pigs. Whilst there I managed to wrangle hunting access to another 6acres where there are quite a few bunnies.
In the afternoon, we brought all the ewes in, and seperated out the ones with lambs, and put them on better pasture, and checked the rest to see how close they are, 1 we thought would be due shortly. She popped on Monday morning.
Then we weighed all the ewe lambs to see if they are ready for moving on, they aren't..oh well back into the pasture for them till next week, and we'll weigh them again (now we can).
On Sunday Steph and I went down and checked the goats, some were lame, and others had poopy bums, we cleaned them up, and dealt to the foot rot we found.
Whilst doing that I noticed Queeny was looking quite preggers, so when we got back to the house, I checked up on her dates, she is due today or there abouts....
We also dagged Monty, hmm, such fun!
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