It's been quite a good week. Oh, I only have Sunday to write about, cool...
On Sunday, since I had the chainsaw back, the main plan of the day was cleaning up the felled tree, and tanning the bunnies. Well plans are great but there wasn't much wind so I thought whilst I had the chance, I would fire off a few rounds into milk cartons and try and get some practice with the rifle. 35 rounds later, and a few holes in the milk carton, it was no surprise that the previous hunting trip was unsuccessful! Oh well, hopefully this weekend I'll get it sighted back in.
After that, I decided that I really should get on with the chainsawing, so with a nice sharp chain, and started carving chunks out of the big pile of branches, a few hours later, there were a few (but large) piles of branches, and some other timber for burning, which I gave to our neighbors.
After a lunch of bacon sandwiches (hmm yumm), we decided that it would be fun to fell one of the gums. So, tractor, bike, dogs and trailer all went down to the bottom paddock where we picked which of the dead gums was going to fall. We quickly noticed that the electric fence was going to get in the way, so I pinned it down, and Alex went up to the house to turn it off.
Once it was safe, I started chainsawing though to 2/3. As I got to 2/3's I heard this almight crack (loud enough to be heard over the chainsaw, and through ear defenders!). As you can imagine I got out of there very fast! But the tree didn't move!
So back I went, and put the chainsaw in and cut out a nice wedge, and started on the felling cut, and just as I got the chainsaw about 1/2 in, a just of wind blew the tree backyards and it pinched the bar. Bugger!
So, armed with the tractor and a bit of rope, I put the rope around the tree as high I could, and got Andy to give it a good tug whilst I nipped in behind the tree and grabbed the saw..such fun playing with trees. Anyway, the tree moved enough for the chainsaw to be recovered, and a few cuts later the tree dropped, the only problem was it went the wrong way and fell into our neighbors paddock! Bugger again!
Anyway, a few hours of chopping saw the tree deminish to a few big trunks and a trailer load of firewood. A good day!
Other news of the day was that Snowwhite kindled on Saturday night, so we've got another litter of bunnies coming on.
Other major news of the week was that Connor had his first jabs on Tuesday, and his tongue-tie snipped, not a happy chappy.
Oh and the goat is making a huge improvement, she is finally mobile, only via her back legs (still using her knees on the front legs), but she's getting there.
Till this weekend.
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