Saturday, June 09, 2007

Bye, baby bunting, Daddy's gone a-hunting

Bye, baby bunting,
Father's gone a-hunting,
Mother's gone a-milking,
Sister's gone a-silking,
Brother's gone to buy a skin
To wrap the baby bunting in.

Well, that's todays poetry lesson! So apart from finding old nursery rhymes, what have I done today.

One thing Steph and I are noticing is that having a baby has caused us to be lazy, yep this morning it was pushing 8:30, and we were both still in bed! Last week we didn't have breakfast till 11am! Anyway, after dragging our backsides out of bed, I gave Joe a ring (a shepherd friend) to see if I could jack up a hunting trip on his farm, that all sounded good for the late afternoon, so I headed over to Andy's to check that he was keen too (all good), and then whilst I was over there shooting the breeze, we got a phonecall from Steph asking us to go up to the other neighbors to help move a lounge suite. After that I headed into Masterton for some milk and fencing stuff; nothing major thankfully.

After lunch I attempted to clean the barn whilst Steph worked Markissa, and Connor slept in the workshop, but he got bored of that and I ended up taking him for a walk around our place, down the drive and then into the farm behind us. The boys loved that, a good chance for a high speed run.

Once Steph finished working Markissa, and Andy got home, we headed down to Joe's place, after a quick chat and directing us where to go, we headed off in the truck. When we pulled up against the marcocarpas from where we were supposed to walk from, a baby rabbit was hopping in front of the truck, and just jumped into the wood lot, we decided that, hey why not, so Andy had first shots, unfortunatly he missed, oh well! We then walked bloody miles up hill and down dale (didn't see much else though, a hare and a feral cat (which in future we've been told to take out too)). Once the light started fading, we started heading back along the track using the lamp to try and spot bunnies. We managed to find one, at a range of about 75 to 100 metres. 4 shots later (first one missed, second one destroyed a front leg at the elbow,third one hit dirt infront and the forth one went through the ribcage and took out the internal organs (that's the sort of shot you're after)) the rabbit was ours, a bloody big one too, more like a hare in size. We gutted it there, and boned it once I got home, 800g of meat, not too bad. I'm going to make wabbit-wieners tomorrow (yep bunny sausages).

And then it's now, and thats bed till tomorrow...maybe some photos.

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