Well, it's been a while, and there hasn't really been any photos for quite a while, well that's about to change (no not because Connor is born, he's still hanging on), anyway, where was I, ah catching up on the news to date. OK so to start, ah, it's only been a week or so, that's not too bad, anyway, since the desk has been made, I've worked down there for a few days, which is quite good, it's not uncomfortable and quite a good environment to get down and get things done, so that's cool. Other than that, the only other stuff has happened today and yesterday. Yesterday Steph picked up (bought) a new ram for the princely price of $30, got him home, and he made our ram look a bit silly, as he knew exactly what and who to do, so unfortunatly since we're low on lamb, the ram met his maker today, what a little shit he was...first of all, last night I put him in the paddock at the back of the house, and this morning, he wasn't there (he was in with the Alpacas). Not a major I just moved him back. Ok, sounds good, well this afternoon just before I was going to "do" him, he decided to jump the gate, go through the fence into Rex's place, and then jump the next gate into the driveway, barge through a fence into Julia's, head up the dry stream into the next paddock, barge through another fence into Christines (I was thinking at this stage of popping him off from a distance!), and then Alex and I managed to gently push him back down into the paddock of Julias, from which exited in the same manor that he went in, straight through the fence, over the next gate, and then over all then fences in the yards. At this point, we thought we might have had him, but he left just easily as he got in, and then proceed into Rex's big paddock!. I was more than willing to pop him there (I even had Alex get the rifle!), anyway, whilst Ken, Steph,Jules and Alex we trying to stop him going to far up the paddock, I grabbed the "Super Crook" off Rex's bike (I want one!, oh, and a super crook!) and opened the gates into the wool shed, and headed off to join in the fun.
He tried barging through the sheep netting into Jule's big paddock, at which time I went for his legs with the Super Crook (and missed, see I need one so I can get more practice), and then we managed to herd him back into the yards, thankfully he wasn't to worried that none of the gates were open, and he headed straight inside. I ran for the gate and swung it shut, but as it shut a pissed off ram came out at around 4ft off the ground, aiming squarely for me! What could I do, I just turned slightly and caught him like a bloody big rugby ball! Ok so that sounds so well controlled and professional, trust me, it was nothing like it, and really quite bloody stupid! Anyway, I wrestled him to the ground and we put him back into the wool shed to let him calm down.
Oh, in the excitement of writing that little episode I forgot to mention that I had my jeans ripped off me by a horny goat!! OK, a bit of explaination needed there. We brought all the lambs,ewes, rams and goats in for drenching and foot trimming, after drenching the lambs, checking the ewes and rams, I crutched the goats, and trimmed their feet, but whilst I had one on it's back it got her horns into a hole in my jeans, and proceeded to move her head lots (oh by the way, this is right by my crutch, I almost had a "crutching" too!) The side effect of this was a massive hole in my jeans, oh well, everyone now knows that today my underwear was color co-ordinated with my T-shirt (by chance!)
Anyway, back to rammy, after a hour or so of settling down, I did the deed, and now he is chilling out in the meat closet.
Ah, now for some photos
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