Well, its been a busy day, but we've managed to cross a few more jobs off the list, which is always a good thing.
First thing this morning, I started investigating what was needed to install the new window catches for the nursery, it turns out that the holes that the old catch used, is the same as the new one, but the screws are not quite the same, so I spent a short while filling the old holes in with plastic wood (only to redrill them tomorrow morning). After that, I assembled a cheapy bookcase from the Warehouse for all our uni books, otherwise the spare room has no space for Jenny!
Once that was done, the next job on the list was putting the top on the drawer unit for the nursery, thankfully that was only 4 screws, and another off the list. Then came the harder stuff. I needed to make a desk, big enough for me to work on (programming work), so I had 2 sheets of MDF, and after measuring up the office (tackshed), I decided on 1m by 1.95m, which is a good size.
It took an hour or so to build the desk and assemble it, then came power and net cabling. Thankfully I had some cat5 that was just long enough, and now after an entire day, the office is all set up (will still need decorating and insulating at some point, but there is no spare cash at the moment for that).
So, still no photos, to tired to plug the camera in, some have been taken, just can't be bothered uploading yet! Maybe tomorrow.
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