The weekend fencing got off to a really good start on Friday when in the afternoon I collected the remaining strainers, stays, netting and a roll of wire and got a good price on them aswell. Then on Saturday morning the weather was perfect, overcast with a slight breeze. Once Steph got back from picking up the borer we got started ripping down the existing fence and putting in a new corner strainer post. Once that was in we laid out and tensioned a guide wire and very quickly (only because of the borer) dug the remaining holes. Since we had the post hole borer around we put in another strainer for the bottom section of the race, and dug 2 new strainer holes for the top edge of the middle paddock. Again, once we got the strainers rammed in, we laid out the wire and dug the post holes. Since that was all we were aiming for we then did the last few holes for the post and rail fence around the water tanks.
That evening Steph and I watched the new Harry Potter movie in Masterton, and really enjoyed it, but didn’t get home till near midnight!
On Sunday the weather was iffy, but there was patches of sunlight so I took the bike and trailer with all the kit on down to start ramming, but as I got down there the heavens opened up and I ended up throwing a tarp over the trailer and sitting in the alpaca shelter with the bike! At the first gap in the rain we took the bike and trailer back up to the barn and gave up for the day as the holes were full of water.
Thankfully there was a big enough break in the weather around lunch for the farrier to out and trim Markissa’s hooves, and once more she has an abcess, we are now thinking that we might have a mineral deficiency in the soil causing soft keratin growth, we’ll find out later when we get another soil test done.
As for the other animals, the little chick is still alive, the goats are due for a hoof trim, and one has scald (a rawness in between the toes caused by wet grass) which needs treating, the sheep are fine but the lambs are due for vaccinations and the two from the black faced ewe are due for worming and they probably need their feet checked. We’ll do all this once the middle section of the race is in because it should make catching them much easier, hopefully it will be finished by the weekend (weather permitting).
Ah, our grass, it’s growing well, finally it has taken off and bushing up quite nicely, but there are a fair few weeds as well, so last night Steph organised for the sprayer to come out and use MCPA (a selective weedkiller), once more – waiting for the weather!
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