Sunday, March 05, 2006

This weekend we were suppose to have a BBQ, but the weather was appalling...oh well. Saturday morning I finished the rabbit condo, a bit extragavant for just two rabbits, but oh well. Today I cleaned the workshop up after builind the hutch ready for the fishtank stand next, and then this afternoon I made a hat out of DevilSpawn. Steph and I have been carding the fleece for the last few days, so that is the first piece of clothing from our farm. We're slowly getting there. What with my hat, my 54 year old tractor and a piece of stray in my mouth, I really look the part! And no I'm not taking photos..
As you can see from the photos the vege garden is back in full swing with leeks, celery, silverbeet, beetroot, lettuce,spinach and herbs.
Also this weekend I picked a large number of quinces, not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but I've got them stored in a cool place, so I have a awhile..

Anyway, tea calls.

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