Sunday, February 12, 2006

Previous few weekends

Well, I haven't posted anything for a while, things have been pretty busy around here. After getting back from Melbourne, that weekend we had to shear 23 lambs, plus help with our neighbour with his. Unfortunatly we discovered that we had a little bit of flystrike (this is where fly land on the poopy backsides and lay eggs hence maggots!). The shearer removed the maggots on the lambs, and I treated the area with flystrick powder, and that was that. We decided to check the rest of the flock (our old ewes and their lambs), once more there was a little bit of flystrike starting, but on our neighbours ewe whom we grazing here at the moment, there was heaps, and she is a VERY big ewe. We ended up we me sitting on her whilst she was laid out on her side, whilst Steph did the deed around her backend. This is one of the more unpleasant jobs.
Oh and on Saturday we also got the goats shorn. Once more they are funny looking things!

That basically wraps up all the stock work, but other things of note are that we currently have a turkey hen sitting on some eggs beside our driveway. We found her when Strider pounced on her!!! Thankfully she was a bit too big for him to kill with one bite like he does with chooks!

Hmm, what else is happening..The big tank is all empty, and I'm starting to get the bits together to create the dolly to move it (so we can decorate that end of the room).

Hm, thats about all at the moment. I'm considering getting broadband soon, if that happens, then expect to see more photos!.

Till Later


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