Since shearing was off, and we managed to get most of the stuff done yesterday, we thought it would be good to head to Palmerston North for some Christmas shopping. In all it was a successful trip. When we got home, we figured it would be a good plan to pick the plums – so out came “Tom” and we loaded Steph on the FEL and lifted her up to the fruit. After about 30 minutes of picking we had about 4.5Kg of plums. Once we finished there, since I had the tractor out, I decided to mow the driveway again, and after finishing that Steph directed me to paddock beside Markissa, in the last few days the grass had shot away and was mainly now seed heads (which isn’t what we want), so I buzzed around the paddock whilst Steph was being a “calming” influence for Markissa who kept going mad every time the tractor went past her!
After that I headed inside and the plan was to start doing dishes etc, but instead I started making plum jam. Last time I made it I carefully cut each plum in half and removed the pip, this time I just squished the pip out, and then fed the plums through a food processor. After about an hour I had 2 ¼ L of plum jam, I did shatter one of the jars though, I heated it too much.
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