Sunday, July 31, 2011

Photos for Grandma

They boys had a train ride on Ronan's birthday

I think this was Ronan's first attempt with a spoon

Ronan's 1st birthday

Connor's first deer, we went for a walk on Ronan's b'day to find some rabbits, but he was over the moon when we found this instead and stalked into 5m from it! He has it as a rug now

Whilst Connor and I were out hunting one evening, we encountered what we thought to be a endangered falcon, Connor wanted to rescue it, so we abandoned the hunt, and drove the 5km on the quad bike with this wrapped up in my T-shirt!!!! That was several months ago, it's still recovering in Masterton, but it turned out to be a common harrier, but very cool all the same!

Connor's obstacle course at Kinde.

A dinosaur I (yes me!!!) made for Connor

Ronan getting his first lesson on the tractor

My first stag :-).  One very happy Matthew, lots of effort was put into getting this stag

Ronan, and my ginger cat Jag

Trying to teach the boys that there is more to wildlife than just killing.

A feral cat we caught

My boys!

Oh yeah, he's a boy!

Dopey and Cute

Just cute

Connor's birthday

His lego cake

Ronan and Amy

Me being silly

Connor the lion at playgroup

Ronan, on the same day

Connor has to get in on any photo really...This is some chickens we raised for meat.

Insert food here (Connor's pig, Mimi (pronounced Me-Me) )

Apple hunting

Guess who likes baths

Trying to keep fit can be hard!

Learning how to climb (not endorsed by the parents!)

What was I saying about exercise!

And I think I said something about copying too!