Saturday, February 27, 2010

Compare and Contrast (if you can)

We do have some news, and more Ronan photos, but at the moment, I'm too lazy to post them, hopefully tomorrow I'll get A into G and do it.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

So What's New

Well, not a great deal really, things have been pretty quite here. Ronan has been sleeping well, and has had a couple of "growing days", 11 hours sleep the other night ( :-) ).  Connor still totally dotes on his little brother, and keeps trying to help in numerous ways.
On the farm front, we've moved the pigs from the pig paddock into one of the normal paddocks, which they are currently rooting up, the did keep breaking out (well climbing through the fence) so they could sit in one of the water troughs, but a bit of electric fencing sorted that out!  We're down another chook, we had him for tea last night, very tasty, cooked a bit long though, I put him in the smoker.
  I went for a hunt this morning too, and it about the 5 time to this spot, and it was primarily a recce for the roar since last June they 1080'ed the block. This time we pulled up the dam at the top of the hill, and bugger me, there were two stags at the top of the hill watching us.  We didn't get a shot off, but we did a bit of walking around, and saw fresh pig sign, and prints from a couple of hind family groups (Mum, yearling daughter and fawn), and a couple of wallows, one already dug out and recently worked up. Fingers crossed for a successful hunt there soon.

Connor and Ronan's Pressy from Aunty Carisa

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